7 Creative ways to boost appetite in children while strengthening their immune systems.
How can I increase my child’s appetite? She is healthy but doesn’t seem to eat enough for
her activity level. Is there anything I can use to help stimulate her appetite safely?
Raising Kids is something that there is no exact manual to tell you how to be the best parent. You
learn many things as you go when parenting and having more than one child gives you a lot of
experience in solving problems. At the end of the day, we all want to do what is best for our kids.
Over time, you figure out little things to help solve issues you may encounter as a parent. Each
child is different, so there is no exact way to do things. A friend asked if I knew anything to help
increase their oldest child’s appetite; that is how this article was born. Sharing information like this
can help others by giving them ideas to try independently. I know that when I run into struggles, I
look for articles or info like this to give me ideas on how to solve the problem myself before
consulting a doctor or professional. This is not medical advice. Be sure to contact a physician if
you have any concerns. Here are 7 creative ways to help increase children’s appetite and boost
their immune system, which is very important when going back to school. Here are some of the
tips and tricks I have learned on this topic over the last eleven years of parenting:
- 1. We have all heard DON” T PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD, right? In this case, I believe you
can achieve some success by making eating fun more than a chore. By letting them feel like
they are helping you make the food or experimenting with their food they will be more excited to try
new things and eat in general. As an example, using a protein powder to mix into yogurt or
adding a couple of M&M candies, which will make the yogurt turn colors, can make it so they begin
to enjoy food and eat more than feeling like it is being forced on them. Tell them that if they are
willing to eat the food with you, they can help make it or do “experiments with it.” Meanwhile, you
add some things they may like or that may benefit them by helping with nutrients or helping them
enjoy eating.
-2. Adding probiotics can help with immune health, eczema, and digestion. This can
sometimes lead to a boost in appetite. If their stomach can digest and process the food more
efficiently from using the probiotics, this will lead to an increase in appetite; I recommend using a
good brand for your kids, something like the Florajen Children’s formula or the Florajen eczema
packets, which are safe to use in kids 6 months and up. This helped us a lot with our kids. These
two are suitable for kids, but we also carry other brands of probiotic gummies that do not require
refrigeration. Be sure to pay attention to the age of the products recommended. If you are in
search of good vitamins and supplements for kids, please reach out to us at TGB Supplements. I
would be happy to help you find what is best for you and your family. You can reach me at
trevor@tgbsupplements.com or call the shop at 724-550-4241. There are a lot of products on the
market and some products are better than others. If you reach out to us, I will let you know what I
personally use for my kids and be happy to get you set up.

-3. To increase appetite, it is good to have frequent small meals like the snack packs that have
cranberries, cheese, and almonds are good. Some kids don’t like almonds so you can find
cheese sticks by themselves but finding a good snack can help by keeping them eating more
frequently they will start to want to eat more often. Using protein powder that tastes good like our
Iron Forged Nutrition Whey Isolate you can make protein pudding and or ice cream which you can
have ready to go. I usually make small containers in the morning and keep them in the refrigerator
for the rest of the day. Moderation is key. Most kids don’t get a lot of protein from their diet, but
you also don’t want to give them more than they need. I usually like to aim for 50% of their body
weight in grams of protein as a starting point for my kids.
-4. Use Frozen fruits. We buy fresh fruits, but my daughters like to take and freeze blueberries
and raspberries. So, we wash them and then freeze them. They enjoy snacking on these; if we
make a protein shake, they will add some. I usually give my girls about a half scoop of protein,
about 12g of almond milk, and let them add fruits they like into the blender. Adding peanut butter
can also help increase calories due to the fat content. Fats have 9 calories per gram and want to
add it to the protein. They have fun making their own shakes.
-5. Be sure to eat breakfast. Eating breakfast, especially carb-based foods like Fruits, will make
your kids have more of an appetite for the rest of the day because the carbs can increase glucose,
which will help by utilizing your insulin sensitivity, which is high in the mornings. I start with a small
protein food like an egg and then have fruit or cereal for my kids. By doing this in the morning
insulin sensitivity is high so they will get an increase in glucose then their body will release insulin
to shuttle it for storage as energy for later, but this drops the glucose in the blood again and will cause hunger. They love frozen blueberries and raspberries in the morning.
-6. We make amino acid popsicles. This helps them get protein and the building blocks of
protein powder are a good supplement. It is one of the most useful things to have in a survival
situation because it is so important for the body. Most kids lack protein in their diet. This makes a
huge difference in strength and recovery. Which will lead to the muscle which in turn increases
metabolism and the desire to eat.
-7. Letting your kids feel like they are taking part in cooking or preparing the food makes
them want the food to be good. If the food is good, they feel like they did a good job cooking it, so
they want it to be before they try it and they are more likely to enjoy the food since they helped
make it. Giving them positive reinforcement for helping and doing well to get the food ready makes
them feel good. It also teaches them something useful to remember for the rest of their lives.
In general, rewarding your kids for following directions makes them feel good. If a child doesn’t
get enough of that, they will sometimes act out to get attention, and even though it is bad attention,
it is still attention. When a child is lacking attention, they don’t care if it is good or bad; they just
want someone to pay attention. There aren’t many products for kids but using creative ways and
little diet tricks can make a huge difference. Letting my kids feel like they are making hard-boiled
eggs or just mixing the protein makes them more likely to want to eat or try things because they
are making it, and I act like they are good at it even though effort isn’t required. They love making
pancakes and French toast, for example. Of all the things we have tried, this has helped us. I hope
it helps you as well.
7 Creative ways to boost appetite in children while strengthening their immune systems.