Utilize Stretching For Increased Muscle Growth and Separation

Utilize Stretching For Increased Muscle Growth and Separation

Utilize Stretching For Increased Muscle Growth and Separation

Utilize Stretching For Increased Muscle Growth and Separation The tough, rigid connective tissue that surrounds the muscle bellies often restricts the growth potential of your muscles. Essentially, the “pump” that you feel during the workout is the result of the blood being forced into the muscle while unable to expand further than the fascia will allow it to stretch. Given this fact, the best time to stretch is immediately after a workout while you still have a tight pump in your muscles. While the muscle is already pumped full of blood, the fascia is being actively stretched. Applying manual stretch to the muscle during this stage helps to intensify the pliability of the connective tissue covering the muscle belly to allow for more growth potential. Stretching will also aid the the development of a better shape in the muscle as it pulls the muscles apart and further enhances separation of the fibers.

In conclusion, ensure to add either static stretching (traditional stretching without weights) or active stretching (using light weights and deep stretching during exercise movement) after a workout while you still have a pump (no more than 5-10 minutes of stretching total). This will help to develop better separation within your muscle fibers and provide more room for muscle tissue growth.

A few quick examples:

Static Stretches: 

-Bending over and touching toes to stretch lower back and hamstrings. 2 reps of 30-60 second holds.

-Stretching the bicep, chest, and shoulder by grabbing a machine while standing up straight and twisting towards the opposite arm while keeping the torso in an upright position until you feel tension. 2 reps of 30-60 second holds.

-Stretching the entire upper body by hanging from a chin up bar or machine until your grip gives out. May repeat for as many sets as desired.

Dynamic Stretches:

-Dumbbell Flyes for chest

-Preacher curls for biceps

-Seated dumbbell skull-crushers for triceps

-Dumbbell lunges for quads

-Standing calf raises for calves


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