Iron Forged Nutrition KingPin Black Series
Iron Forged Nutrition KingPin Black Series, the all in one Test Booster from Iron Forged Nutrition utilizing N-methyl-d aspartic acid,boron, stinging nettle extract, Icariin, Fadogia Arrests, Tongkat Ali 4:1 Extract, DHEA, NMDA, and Pregnolone to deliver increased natural testosterone production, igf and gh release a total blend of nutrients for maximizing your natural levels or for bringing back your levels during PCT.N-methyl-d-aspartic acid- D-Aspartic Acid is incredibly popular as a testosterone booster — and for good reason, as studies have shown that a dose of 3000mg/day can dramatically increase testosterone levels in men. N-methyl D-Aspartate is simply a more powerful form of DAA: It appears to be 100 times more potent on an equimolar basis, and has a fundamentally-identical mechanism of action. Like DAA, it induces LH release and increases mRNA expression of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) — a protein which shuttles cholesterol into the mitochondria of steroidogenic cells, and which represents the first rate-limiting step in steroid biosynthesis. While not a rate-limiting step, increases in 17b-HSD enzyme activity should increase the rate of conversion of DHEA to androstenediol, and therefore speed-up testosterone biosynthesis. Regardless of mechanism, it’s very clear that the stuff works: Boron- Acute supplementation with 11.6mg of boron resulted in a significant increase in plasma boron concentration. Given such a fast bioavailability, the objective was to determine whether acute (hourly or daily), and weekly supplementation could have any significant biological effects on the steroid hormones and further on some inflammatory biomarkers. Eight healthy male volunteers attended the laboratory on three occasions (days 0, 1 and 7). On the first day (day 0), a blood sample collection at 8.00A.M was followed by ingestion of placebo with the breakfast. On the next day (supplementation-day 1), similar procedure was followed by ingestion of a capsule containing 10mg of boron. On both occasions blood was collected every 2h for the next 6h. Subjects were requested to consume a capsule of 10mg boron every day with their breakfast, and on the day 7, the blood collection was carried out at 8.00A.M, again. Boron in plasma increased significantly following hours and weekly consumption. Six hours supplementation showed a significant decrease on sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), high sensitive CRP (hsCRP) and TNF-α level. After one week (in samples taken at 8.00A.M, only), the mean plasma free testosterone increased and the mean plasma estradiol decreased significantly. Dihydrotestosterone, cortisol and vitamin D was elevated. Also, concentrations of all three inflammatory biomarkers decreased after supplementation. Of note, despite decreased proinflammatory cytokines, based on recent clinical data, this must be the first human study report to show an increase level of free testosterone after boron consumption. Stinging Nettle Extract- It should be a shame to boost testosterone, only to have it deactivated by SHBG. Urtica Dioica (Stinging Nettle) root extract contains (-)-3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran and numerous other inhibitors of SHBG. We use a full-spectrum aqueous extract, which will help ensure that more of the testosterone you produce is put to good use. The effects of l-dopa on growth hormone levels are well documented, and it exerts these growth hormone boosting effects by stimulating the release of hypothalamic GHRH.Boosting growth hormone and testosterone can provide benefits in terms of energy, sex drive, and perhaps most important to the bodybuilder or strength athlete are its benefits of increased sleep quality and performance in the gym. More restful sleep due to increased growth hormone levels leads to improved recovery, and higher testosterone levels lead to improved gains in terms of both size and strength.
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